Concept Art


Concept art recovered from starsh1n3's deviantArt page, which has sadly been deleted.

photo of a sketchbook page showing drawings of various playable species from the starwilds, all in the same front-facing pose. there are also drawings of some NPCs, such as a shark with an anglerfish bulb that works at the museum, a quadruped creature with dark markings that sells machine parts, a scarred snake who works with animals, and a humanoid plant in a pot who owns a seed shop.

Handwritten words:

One of the first sketches relating to the Starwilds that starsh1n3 ever posted. All the creatures in uniforms are their first ideas for playable species. None of the shop NPCs had names yet, only designs. You can even see an erased fin on Marvie's head!

photo of a sketchbook page showing a mockup of a UI for placing furniture in a room. the room is isometric, with grid lines on the floor and a few pieces of furniture on the squares. there's a creature standing on top of a rug. below are a few sketches of potential item icons.

Handwritten words:

Mockups of the ship decoration system, specifically crew quarters. Apparently they wanted to have crew members walking around, which would have been so cool, but it was probably too complicated to code because that feature never ended up being implemented.

photo of a sketchbook page showing mockups for dressing up crew members. a creature is displayed on the left, with icons representing different types of clothing on the right. further right is a scrolling display of squares, presumably item icons. below is a mockup of the inventory system, item icons shown in rows with their names below them. a dropdown list of actions is shown to the side of one, along with a list of rarity symbols.

Handwritten words:

The crew member dress-up room and the "inventory," which ended up being called the cargo hold.